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Rotary Club of Secunderabad Sunrise | ![]() |
Joint Speaker Meeting at Hotel Marriot 8.30 am on 31.07.10 .
Dr.L.R Surender, president welcomed the members.Thought for the day was given by Rtn. Mudit Kumar . Rotary information was read out by Rtn. George. Fellowships announcements were made by Rtn. K.A Ramayya.Mr.Ramana Kapur, speaker for the day was invited to Dais and was escorted by Rtn.S.K Varma. Secretaries announcements were made by Rtn. Mudit Kumar in the absence of Rtn. Amarnath, Secretary. Rtn.Surender , Presidnt introduced the speaker giving narration of important highlights of life as well as his passion for philosophy and his profession as trainer.
Mr.Ramana Kapur,Speaker spoke about his life and transformation to philosophy. He emphasized that in general people are concentrating on external development namely taking care of the body its appearance and meterial pleasures. He elaborated on the current situation in the world including global warming ,unrests, frequent accidents and severer mental pollutions. He made it very clear that internal development is the real development required for the advancement of socity . Internal development means how a human being has to conduct himself , mentally and spiritually. Quality of life is much more important than quantity. Every human being should consider himself as privileged to be born as human being and question himself everyday "am I behaving like a good human being".
The thought process in any human being is continuous and leads to actions accordingly and habits are formed. The habits transform the peronality and inturrn destiny. Hence thought processes should be cultivated to be every person in the world . Body consciousness and material conciousness create unhappiness whereas soul needs happiness and peace. Paradox in socity is people like change and simultaneously they would not like to be changed . One has to cultivate positive attitude to others and radiate positive energy and should become philosophicaland at the same time living normal life and carring on profession. Polishing outside is happening which is not essential whereas polishing mind and soul is essential. People carry throught the life excess baggege of hartred to others, jealous about others and these nagative characteristics lead to Blood Pressure, Ulcers, Diabetes and other disesses in human beings. One has to forgive himself and forgive others. Soul serching has to happen as to his contribution to the planet at large. The only solution for entire problem is to become positive and radiate positive energy by internal clearing and this is how human revolution / evolition will take place for achiveing universal peace. The speaker was given a memento by Rtn. Vaman. The speech was appreciated by one and all. Rtn. Ajit Gandhi proposed Vote of Thanks Rtn. Jitender Agarwal was given last laugh . The meeting was adjourned by president.