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Rotary Club of Secunderabad Sunrise | ![]() |
The event Sankalpam, District assembly was hosted and organized by Rotary Club of Secunderabad. Meeting started with invocation followed by opening remarks by Mr.Gowra Srinivas, Host club President. Mr.Surendra Bantia assembly chairman welcomed the guests and delegates.
Mr.Ravi Vadlamani explained the objectives of Sankalpam District assembly is the necessity to orient leadership for next year is going very well through PETS & SETS, Seminar of AGs and culminating in Sankalpam to orient all officers for the coming year. Three levels of functions viz.RIP, DG and club president were explained to make the matter clear. Noble concept of hierarchy for administration and equality for work was elaborated making clear that any Rotarian can contribute whether he is holding any office or not.
The beauty and strength of Rotary lies in continued change of leadership year after year and growing in strength year after year without any break. All the incoming leaders were advised to make use of their office to give best as the period is one year only. Every president /DG must try to out perform and raise the bar to take the levels of performance to higher level year after year.
Before concluding Mr.Ravi advised that the incoming leaders to adopt “Christ style leadership” which has been proved to be the best by principles of self mastery, Strength of actions and Strength of relationships.
Mr.Sambasiva Rao, DG dealt with topic of “Lead the way”. He has mentioned the different themes adopted by different PDGs commencing from Mr.Jawahar – To take time to serve, Mr.Ravindra Reddy- Put life into Rotary, Mr.Srirama murthy -Look beyond yourself, r.RaviVadlamani-Create awareness and take action, Mr.Giri-Lend a hand. Etc
Theme for the 07-08 is “RESOLVE”. Mr. Sam reiterated that Rotary is emerging stronger year after year through leadership changes. He exhorted that we are all Rotarians whether we are holding position or not. The suttle difference between “Leadership” and “Management” was explained by saying that leadership is lead to leaders and to groom the leaders and where as management is to simply to manage.
The principle of leading by example was brought to focus with example of “Mahatma Gandhi”. The necessity to cultivate the good habit of tolerance was brought to focus.Net increase of membership by 10% and increase of contribution to Rotary foundation are key targets .Targets pale away if we understand and follow the difference between “What we can do” and “What we are doing”. It was a pleasure to know that number of Paul hares society members has increased to 28 in the district.
Mr. Sam has brought to light that though contributions to Rotary Foundation is increasing and commendable but the gap between contribution and overall economic growth points for need for higher contributions. He concluded by quoting Arch club-Who said “No one knows what Rotary will be tomorrow .It will be what we do today”.
Dr.Vijayendar,DG has dealt on “ Rotary Shares” theme for coming year .He emphasised the magic of rotary which enables Rotarian to do extraordinary things .He elaborated the concept as sharing Time,Talents,Money,Kindness,Love i.e. in brief giving yourself. Sharing is spread over Vocational services, Community services, International services etc.He emphasised that before giving check is to be conduct by questioning oneself as to “Where you are giving” “, Whom you are giving”, “When you are giving” and “Which way you are giving”. He stressed the need to increase membership by adopting member to get member and there after becoming mentor for one year to amalgate him into rotary.
The coming year will assign priority for Water, Health & Hunger, Literacy and Family matters. He appealed to take care of widows of late Rotarians by inviting them to fellowship meeting and speaker meetings. Necessity to grow to meet growing needs was explained. Twelve plans of actions viz.I will lead people, I will get new members etc were elaborated. The fundamental strategy of listening mind, jentle words, helping hand and open heart are to be cultivated.
Raja Saboo the chief guest delivered his address and mesmarised the gelegates with his dedication and conviction .Mr.Sharat Babu Dist governor formally introduced the chief guest. It was exhilarating to listen to the details of qualities and achievements in the field of rotary, business and humanitarian field .It was great to hear that chief guest was RI president, RF trustee chairman and was awarded Padmasri also.
At the out set he mentioned that “Resolve” (Sankalpam) which means commitment, promise and solutions are very relevant to rotary. Importance of being good human being is fulfilling whether you hold past or not ..Magic of rotary is nothing but madness in the right direction for humanitarian cause. Sharing should not be surplus but based on needs. There after he explained the 13 addicts to be followed and practiced to become ideal Rotarian and better human being
1. No belief in rotary—No rotary
2. Do not attend meetings-- No rotary
3. No friendship-- No rotary
4. No balance in life (Family/Profession/rotary)--- No rotary
5. No ethics-- No rotary
6. No tolerance-- No rotary
7. No respect for others-- No rotary
8. No service attitude-- No rotary
9. No enjoyment-- No rotary
10. No human approach-- No rotary
11. No ability to laugh at oneself--- No rotary
12. No value & No discipline --- No rotary
13. No giving (Time,Resource,Love,Talent)--- No rotary
By following the above we can be better and different. If we can not follow we are not good Rotarians. Importance of over coming ill placed ego was stressed to become good Rotarian. Standing ovation was given by delegates.
Secretaries Session:
The session was conducted by DG nominee Mr.Sharatbabu.This was a review of PETS & SETS and to make sure that all the secretaries have become familiar with the responsibilities and periodical returns. Importance of finalizing the projects for the year was stressed. The importance of line of communication and continuous consultation with district administration was stressed.
Mr.Sharat Babu: DG nominee has dealt with “More hands to serve”. He explained the advantage of joining rotary where by one get net working of professionals, friends and their families to make life joyous and to make the world better to live. The importance of the membership growth was stressed again by networking for rotary. New interact clubs and rotarace clubs are to be proposed
Mr. Sam, DG dealt on Rotary foundation .He mentioned that Rotarians are in the business of mankind for more than 100 years .With out RF rotary looses its humanity and the same is expressed as “Rotary foundation is expression of generosity of Rotarians .Previlage of Rotarians is we decide where we spend. Paul Haris society membership and ERRY are means to improve cotributions to RF to serve the community at large.
Comments By Rtn. Ravindra Nath
From: ravindra nath <ravi_nath737@yahoo.com>
To: <subhasdhandania@yahoo.co.in>, subhas dhandania
<subhasdhandania@yahoo.com>, Suresh Kumar Verma
<suresh.k.verma@gmail.com>, VIJAY RATHI <vijayrathi@satyam.net.in>,
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 21:51:20 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Rotarians & friends,
Good morning and greetings to you all.
The district assembly SANKALPAM held at Taramati baradari on 27th May went on very well.
About 12 members + 2 new prospective members have attended the
The event was very well organised and RI Past president Rtn.Raja Saboo
spoke on 13 points on ROTARY and its activities.
I personally thank all the participants who have spared their
Sunday and
attneded the programme to make it a grand success.
With very best regards,
for R.C.S.S.