District 3150, Rotary Awards Given to our Club On 30th June'07 .

RCSS Awarded For Its Efforts to Lead the Way to a Better Future by
Demostrating the Fellowship & Service truly can change the world.

Awarded to Rtn. Rajesh Pamani As oustanding President.

Awarded to Rtn. K.R. Partha Sarathy As the Best District Chairman for his efforts in International Fellowship.


RCSS Awarded For Monthly e-Bulleting " SUNRISE TIMES"

RCSS Awarded As oustanding club in district in the avenue of "Family of Rotary"

RCSS Awarded As oustanding club in Twin City Region in "INTERNATIONAL SERVICE"

RCSS Awarded As oustanding club in Twin City Region for TRF

RCSS Awarded For initiating "Cricket Fellowship"

RCSS Awarded For Hosting District Antakshri Nite

Awarded Rtn. Rajesh Pamnani for Improve International Relations.

Awarded to Rtn. P. Vaman Rao for his efforts to Lead the Way to better future

Awarded to Rtn. Madhu Suresh for her efforts to lead the Way to a better future.