Club Services DG Official Visit On 13-07-07:


DG Highlights

- 20 % growth in membership over last year after retaining 100 % of the members
- Per capita contribution of about USD 125 which might end at about USD 150 by the end of the term against
a commitment of USD 50.
- Average age of less than 40 years
- Superb documentation and presentation at the Club Assembly
- Maintaining the 100 % PHF club status
- 100 % registration for the District Conference (would be happy if we had some Golden and Silver Patrons
and Anns)
- Paul Harris Society member ( Narender Gauri - USD 1000 commitment for 10 years )
- 12 fellowships (Including IFCR) in the last 6 months
- Dedicated community service including in the Pulse Polio program (stress should be given for Matching
Grant Projects)
- Interact club already existing, but should also start a Rotaract Club
- Surprised that a movie program can generate funds to the tune of Rs. 3.00 lakhs
- Wanted us to apply for the PR fund and use it effectively
- Excellent PR work while the president was travelling abroad and hosting rotarians and GSE team while on
their visit to India
- One of the few new clubs which meet regularly and keep proper records

-Three important things a governor looks for Growth of the club, Contribution to Rotary International and
Participation in the District Conference. Our club has done exceedingly well in all these aspects.

The representation from the sister clubs was excellent (due to PR of Rajesh and Samir )
Games were organised after the meeting and before dinner. Enthusiastically participated by all the member,
Anns and also the visiting rotarians.