Prize Distribution ceremony as part of interact meeting on 7th November 2017at St. Peters Grammar School.

Interactors of St. Peter’s Grammar School had attended conference “Harmony” which was held on 16th June, 2013 9 am to 5 pm at hotel square. A superb speech was given by Mr. Sharma motivating and channelising our talents to reach their aims. He introduced T.V.R. Murthi, the founder, honorary, secretary and correspondent of T.V.R. Murthi educational society. They were given amazing and brain tickling puzzles to solve. By the end of the session , They had learnt a big lesson to think always in one possible way and also need to think in other possible ways.

After this, many interesting anecdotes were related to self motivation, natural ability, interest, positive thinking and self control.
With loads of great experiences, a fund of knowledge and good moments to cherish Interactors left the venue.

It has been one of the most productive and enjoyable Sunday for the members of Interact club of St. Peters grammar school Boinpally.

Few members attended the prize distribution ceremony for Essay writing and "Swach" awareness slogan by Interact club of St. Peter's Grammar School. Rtn. Ravinder Varma (PP RC Miyapur) addressed the gathering