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Rotary Club of Secunderabad Sunrise | ![]() |
Club Assembly on 05.01.2013 .
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The club assembly was held at Hotel Court yard ( Behind Marriott). Unlike the regular meetings, It was held at the Breakfast Table at MOMO Restaurant.
As circulated the following agenda was taken up.
1) DG"s Visit : President has informed the members that the visit is likely to scheduled in the first week of February and requested one of the Members to take incharge of the event. Rtn.Rahul Manchanda has come forward to take the charge. Later Rtn.Lokesh Jain PP has advised that the visit to be properly planned so as not to clash with the proposed Valentine Day fellowship proposed on 17.2.2013. He assured that it will be taken care.
2) Matching Grant Projects: Rtn.Ramayya has explained the status of matching Grant project of the benches.He informed that the Poland club has agreed to contribute 2,000 dollars and we have to contribute similar amount . The members have advised that the amount may be raised to the similar amount including DDF.The DDF amount may be confirmed from Dist.Foundation Chair and rest of the amount may be raised through individual contributions and through the trust. The project may downsized to 650 benches to suit above contributions.
3) Diagnostic Centre: President has informed that the project could not be moved forward, inspite of the Sub-committee formed under the Chairmanship of Rtn.Shravan Malani PP and TWO meetings were held . Some of the members have expressed the skepticism in starting the smae. It was decided to seek the opinion of Rtn.Shravan Malani, him-self, either to scrap the project or to continue with it. President was advised to discuss the same with him.
4) Interact Club and Rotaract Club: President has informed the club, that the application for Interact Club ( at St.Peters Grammar School,Boinpalli) was filed and sent to RI for starting the same. Rotaract Club of Secbad Sunrise has become active.Rotaractors requested for assistance in supply of Collar, Pins etc and Financial support for conducting the Dist.Event. Rtn. Vaman Rao has informed the club of his recent interaction with the members of the club and highly appreciated the service rendered by them during recent IFCR tournament. All the other Members have agreed to give collar pins etc and also approved the financial assistance. Preisdent was advised to take all the data of members & activities to be uploaded in the Club"s Website.He had informed that another Rotaract Club is likely to be started at St.Peters Engg.College.Later on Rtn.T.V.Reddy had emphasized the need to involve one Rotarian to be in-charge & guide both the Interact
and Rotaract Clubs for a period of one year and for smooth functioning in future.
Rtn.Lokesh Jain has informed the members that,a Movie Fellowship will be arranged on 26.1.2013 and the details will be circulated later.
Later President has given the mementos, to the past Presidents Viz. Rtn.Ajith Gandhi, Vaman Rao, Rajesh Pamnani and Lokesh Jain. President has also appreciated the efforts put in by month in-charges of September and December Viz. i.e.Rtn. Ajit Gandhi & Rtn.Srinivas Gumidelli respectively and presented them the mementos as a token of appreciation.
The meeting closed with expression of thanks by Secretary.