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Rotary Club of Secunderabad Sunrise | ![]() |
District Governor's Visit to the club at Hotel KamathLingapur .
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Dear Rotarian,
As sceeduled , we have received DG Rtn. Rajya Laxmi and Rtn. Rao Nidumoau at 9.00am and took them for Breakfast to Dr. Surender"s house at Maredpalli. The Breakfast meeting was attended by Rtn. Ujwalkumar Tibrewal,AG,Secretary, Rtn. Sravan Malani (IP) Rtn. Amarnath.
After the breakfast the board meeting was conducted at Chandra"s situated at PatnyCentre, Secunderabad. Each director Have presented their eports viz. Club Adminstration by Rtn. Srinivas Raju ,Community Projects by Rtn. Ramayya(PP), Fellowship by Rtn.Lokesh jain (PP). The club accounts for the previous year and current year were presented. The contribution to the Rotary foundation was informed and found that there is discrepancy in respect of PHF of some members.DG Was requested to sort out the issue.
Benches Distribution and Vaccination Programme at Govt. School Mulugu on 11.3.11; President , Secretary and Dist Governor along with Rotarians including Srinivasa Raju,T.V. Reddy, Dr. Kailash Guptha , Srinivas Gumidelli and Chandrashekar have proceeded to Mulugu at11.00am and reached therey 12.00. We were warmly greeted by the staff of the School. District Governor and Dr. Kailsah guptha have explained the benefits of Vaccination to the adolescent girls. Later Dr. Guptha gave vaccination to Students. DG was very much impressed with the response of the girl students.
Later 20nos. Benches were distributed by DG to the School. Teachers were very happy that their wish was fulfilled with in a week of their request. The school authorities had felicitated DG.
Public Meeting at Hotel Kamath Lingapur: The meeting started at 8.00pm due to Traffic problem. The meeting President addressed the members and guests gave she brief of the activities conducted by the club till date. Secretary ad also informed the activities in detail. DG Rtn. Rajya laxmi released the brochure prepared by Dr. Kailsh Guptha for the use of Adolescent girls.In her Speech has appreciated the initiative taken by Dr. Guptha and informed the club that she will take forward this step in other areas of the district too. She informed the audience about various activities of Rotary in the world, particularly the activities of Rotary foundation in eradicating Polio from the world. She has asked for the contributions from the members.
In her speech she has given good example of $1 bill nd $100 meeting each other after some time and exchanging their experiences and helping of the people by $1 bill.It has moved the audience. The effect was so profound that, immediately Dr. Surender was moved gave a cheque for $1,000/- in favour of Rotary Foundation.. DG was very happy to receive the donation.
Later on sfe has applauded the work of the club and also hinted that the club is capable of doing more and wished the club will do utilize its full potential in excelling in all avenues of Service.
The meeting ended with fellowship dinner arranged by Rtn.Dr. Ajay Seth and Rtn. Rahul Manachanda . The meeting was enjoyed by the members as very good music arranged.
with Rotary Greetings,