Community Service:-Pulse Polio Camp and Joint Meeting of Rotary Clubs.
On 26.1.11 at 10.00am Members of our club had met at Primary Health Centre situated at Addagutta,.We have been welcomed by Dr.Ravindrani,Medical officer. We were thanked by her for our continuous support for the past many years in supporting the breakfast of 160 volunteers.Later on we have adminiterd drops to the children who visited the centre.About 35 centres were organised about 2000 no. of children were immunised. Children wer also given some play items after the immunization. They were happy to receive the presents.We returned about 1.00pm after succesfully completing the Programme.
On 25.1.11 at 6.00pm Twin cities Joint Meeting of Rotary Clubs was organized by RC Hyderabd east. Rtn. Madhu Babu has welcomed the guests. Rtn. Ravi Vadlamani(PDG) was also present. The Speaker Mr. Newton spoke about the importance of parenting. He has elaborated Various points in Spiritual Parenting. The audience were really enthralled by his speech.